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Java e shtate | 10 dhjetor 1980
Flamurtari – Besa | 2-2 |
Vllaznia – Partizani | 1-2 |
Traktori – Labinoti | 1-1 |
Naftetari – Tomorri | 0-0 |
Dinamo – Skenderbeu | 0-0 |
17 Nentori – Lokomotiva | 2-1 |
Beselidhja – Luftetari | 1-1 |
1. PARTIZANI | 12 Pike | 10-4 Gol. | 8. BESELIDHJA | 7 Pike | 7-6 Golav. |
2. DINAMO | 8 | 9-7 | 9. TOMORI | 7 | 3-3 |
3.FLAMURTARI | 8 | 8-6 | 10.LABINOTI | 6 | 8-7 |
4.TRAKTORI | 8 | 7-5 | 11.LOKOMOTIVA | 6 | 6-7 |
5.17 NENTORI | 8 | 7-7 | 12.NAFTETARI | 5 | 5-9 |
6.BESA | 7 | 8-7 | 13.VLLAZNIA | 5 | 3-9 |
7. LUFTETARI | 7 | 8-7 | 14.SKENDERBEU | 4 | 4-9 |
Jane 14 gola te shenuar ne javen e 7-te.
Partizani fiton ne Shkoder dhe forcon poziten e tij te kryesuesit duke u distancuar me 4 pike. Te gjitha skuadrat e tje ra are almost of a group. So we have four teams with 8 points, as many with 7 points, two teams with 6 and 5 points. Even though Skanderbeg is in the last place, he does not feel “lonely”.
To mark the victories of Partizan and November 17. The first one benefits from the draws of the followers this week, while the second one has climbed five places in the ranking, after the victory over Lokomotiva.
The others? All draw, confirming this week also a balance of the teams as a whole. What is happening with Vllaznina? Shkodran have not won since the 1st week. Thanks to the negative goal difference, they now share 13th place with Naftetari.
However, it is still too early to judge or predict its path, as well as that of the other teams, seeing that we are still in the first weeks, but also the balance that is appearing in this championship.
Eighth week | December 14, 1980
Ensign – Warrior | 2-0 |
Besa – Vllaznia | 0-0 |
Guerrilla – Tractor | 5-0 |
Labinoti – Naftetari | 0-0 |
Tomorri – Dinamo | 0-1 |
Skanderbeg – November 17 | 1-1 |
Locomotive – Covenant | 0-0 |
1. THE PARTISAN | 14 Points | 15-4 Goals | 8. LABINOTI | 7 Points | 8-7 Goals |
2. FLAGMAN | 10 | 10-6 | 9. LOCOMOTIVE | 7 | 5-5 |
3. DYNAMO | 10 | 10-7 | 10. THE WARRIOR | 7 | 8-9 |
4. NOVEMBER 17 | 9 | 8-8 | 11.TOMORI | 7 | 3-4 |
5. FAITH | 8 | 8-7 | 12.OIL OIL | 6 | 5-6 |
6. THE COVENANT | 8 | 7-6 | 13. BROTHERHOOD | 6 | 3-9 |
7. TRACTOR | 8 | 7-10 | 14.SKENDERBEU | 5 | 5-10 |
Only 10 goals this week.
The lack of goals continues. Lack of attackers or because of strong defenses and equal teams?
Partizani marches in the lead. Golead against Traktor, 5-0! Victory of Flamurtari and Dinamo, which are four points behind him. Climbing of Tirana to the 4th place.
Surprisingly from the 5th place and below, the teams are tight. Every win or loss can bring them a big shift in the classification.
Vllaznia gets a 0-0 draw in Kavaje but remains in 13th place.
Ninth week | December 21, 1980
Warrior – Locomotive | 2-1 |
17 November – Tomorri | 1-1 |
Dinamo – Labinoti | 2-0 |
Naftetari – Partizani | 1-0 |
Beselidhja – Skanderbeg | 1-0 |
Vllaznia – Flagman | 2-0 |
Tractor – Besa | 1-0 |
1. PARTISAN | 14 Pk | 15-5 Goal. | 8. FAITH | 8 Pk | 8-8 Goal. |
2.DYNAMO | 12 | 12-7 | 9.TOMB | 8 | 4-5 |
3.FLAMURTARI | 10 | 10-8 | 10.NAFTETARI | 8 | 6-9 |
4. BESELIDHJA | 10 | 8-6 | 11.VLLAZNIA</td > | 8 | 5-9 |
5. 17 NENTORI | 10 | 9-9 | 12. LABINOTI | 7 | 8-9 |
6. TRAKTORI | 10 | 8-10 | 13.LOKOMOTIVA</td > | 7 | 7-9 |
7. LUFTETARI | 9 | 10-10 | 14. SKENDERBEU | 5 | 5-11 |
12 gola sjell java e 9-te and campionatit, se bashku me ato edhe suprizen e javes, kur Naftetari mund Partizanin 1-0. Partizani kryesues, humbet terren ne Kucove teksa perballet me nje entuziazem dhe kembengulje te skuadres vendase Naftetari and cila shfaqi me shume deshire per ta fituar ndeshjen.DInmo and diet, perfiton dhe mposht Labinotin ne Tirane 2-0. IMe pas jane kater skuadradra me 10 pike: Fitore and beselidhjes qe “zhyt” Skenderbeun dhe larteson lezhjanet ne vendin e 4-te, bashke me 17 nentorin qe ndalet ne fushen e saj nga Tomori; Flamurtari qe rrezohet ne koder nga vllaznia and cila nga ana e saj arrin fitoren e dyte ne kete campionat; Traktori qe mposht Besen ne Lushnje, duke konfirmuar edhe here for men and mire, packa se nje jave me pare pesoi nje humbje te thelle. Nga vendi i 7 deri tek i 13-ti, mbetet nje groupim i skuadrave nekuiliber nga ku mund te ndodhe gjithcka.
Java and dhjete | 24 dhjetor 1980
< td width=”66″>3-0
Partizani – Dinamo | 0-1 |
Labinoti – 17 Nentori | 0-0 |
Vllaznia – Luftetari | 4-2 |
Skenderbeu – Lokomotiva | 2-1 |
Flamurtari – Traktori | |
Besa – Naftetari | 3-0 |
Tomorri – Beselidhja</td > | 0-0 |
1.PARTIZANI | 14 Pk | 15-6 Gol. | 8.TRAKTORI | 10 Pk | 8-13 Gol. |
2.DINAMO | 14 | 13-7 | 9.TOMORRI | 9 | 4-5 |
3.FLAMURTARI | 12</td > | 13-8 | 10.LUFTETARI | 9 | 12-14 |
4.BESELIDHJA | 11 | 8-6 | 11.LABINOTI | 8 | 8-9 |
5.17 NENTORI | 11 | 9-9 | 12.NAFTETARI | 8 | 6-12 |
6. BESA | 10 | 11-8 | 13.LOKOMOTIVA</td > | 7 | 8-11 |
7. VLLAZNIA | 10 | 9-11 | 14.SKENDERBEU</td > | 7 | 7-12 |
16 He’s gone to sleep. Dy ndeshje perfunduan pa gola.Dy humbje rresht qe i kushtojne shume Partizanit. Tani ai ndan kreun my Dinamon se ciles i mjaftoi nje gol per ta barazuar me pike.Bie ne sy fitorja e Flamurtarit kunderktorit me rezultatin e paster 3-0. Flamurtari tani eshte i treti, ne mesin e tre me te mirave te futbollit shqiptar. We have a lot of knowledge about what happens next, and what happens next to you. If you don’t know what to do and don’t put it on the tab, the price will go away (+2) on the 17th day when the next day and the door will go (0-0). Tomorri arrin barazimin e 5-te pa gola 0-0 ne 10 java.Reagojne Besa por mbi te gjitha Vllaznia. And after 3-0 days, the buttons will start and then they will fit 1-0 times, I won’t be able to share them. When I arrive, I feel the need for me now 4-2 years old and I don’t want to shen e tyre, duke zene vendin e 7-te.
Ne fund te tabeles, Skenderbeu fiton me Lokomotiven duke e barazuar me pike. Naftetari dhe Labinoti nuk ndihen te sigurte.
Java e njembedhjete | 28 dhjetor 1980
Dinamo – Besa (27.12) | 1-1 |
Traktori – Vllaznia | 1-0 |
Naftetari – Flamurtari | 0-1 |
17 Nentori – Partizani | 2-1 |
Beselidhja – Labinoti | 1-2 |
Lokomotiva – Tomori | 1-0 |
Luftetari – Skenderbeu | 1-1 |
* Dinamo – Besa u luajt me 27 te dhjetor
1.DINAMO | 15 Pk | 14-8 Gola | 8.LABINOTI | 10 Pk | 10-10 Gola |
2.PARTIZANI | 14 | 16-8 | 9.LUFTETARI | 10 | 13-15 |
3.FLAMURTARI | 14 | 16-8 | 10.VLLAZNIA | 10 | 9-12 |
4.17 NENTORI | 13 | 11-10 | 11.LOKOMOTIVA | 9 | 9-11 |
5.TRAKTORI | 12 | 9-13 | 12.TOMORRI | 9 | 4-6 |
6.BESA | 11 | 12-9 | 13.SKENDERBEU | 8 | 8-13 |
7.BESELIDHJA | 11 | 9-8 | 14.NAFTETARI | 8 | 6-12 |
13 Gola te javes . Vazhdon ekuilibri i skuadrave nga vendi i 5-ste deri tek i fundit, te cilat i ndajne vetem 4 pike diference.
Ekuilibri shfaqet edhe ne vendet e para. Interesante lufta per kreun qe ndryshon kete jave. Dinamo edhe pse barazon ne Tirane me Besen, rremben vendin e pare. C`po ndodh me Partizanin? E treta humbja radhazi, dy prej te cilave kunder Dinamos dhe tani ndaj
17 Nentorit.
Flamurtari marshon duke e barazuar Partizanin me 14 pike, pas fitores ne Kucove. Naftetari qe deri para dy javeve “fluturonte ne krahet e entuziazmit”, tani rikthehet ne vendin e fundit ndonese me pike te barabarta me korcaret qe kane golaverazhin “me te mire”, -5 , ndaj -6 te kucovareve.
Ne kete jave bie ne sy fitorja e Traktorit ne Lushnje ndaj Vllaznise (1-0).
Levizin para ne tabele Labinoti e Lokomotiva, kjo e fundit mund Tomorin dhe madje e kapercen ne renditje, perseri edhe ketu fale golaverazhit te tyre (-1).
Po aq interesante paraqitet edhe situata e skuadrave per te qendruar ne kategori, te cilat sic e thame edhe me lart nga vendi i 5-ste deri tek i fundit diferencohen me vetem 4 pike.
Java e dymbedhjete | 11 janar 1981
Traktori – Luftetari | 0-0 |
Vllaznia – Naftetari | 3-0 |
Flamurtari – Dinamo | 0-0 |
Besa – 17 Nentori | 0-2 |
Partizani – Beselidhja | 1-0 |
Labinoti – Lokomotiva | 0-0 |
Tomorri – Skenderbeu | 1-1 |
1.PARTIZANI | 16 Pike | 17-8 Gol. | 8.LABINOTI | 11 Pk | 10-10 Gol. |
2.DINAMO | 16 | 14-8 | 9. BESELIDHJA | 11 | 9-9 |
3.FLAMURTARI | 15 | 16-8 | 10.LUFTETARI | 11 | 13-15 |
4.17 NENTORI | 15 | 13-10 | 11.LOKOMOTIVA | 10 | 9-11 |
5.TRAKTORI | 13 | 9-13 | 12.TOMORRI | 10 | 5-7 |
6.VLLAZNIA | 1 2 | 12-12 | 13.SKENDERBEU | 9 | 9-14 |
7.BESA | 11 | 12-11 | 14.NAFTETARI | 8 | 6-15 |
I’m full of food for 8 days and don’t miss it for 12 days. Shume the pack! AEkuiliber te tille nuk ishte pare ndonjehere. Ndeshja and cardeles eshte ne vorre, ku vendasit ndajne ndjene pike me Dinamon.Nderkohe ne Tirane Partizani mposht 1-0 Beselidhjen per te rifituar kreun old fale golave te shenuar, +8 ndaj +5 te Dinamos. Nngjitet 17 Nothing starts with nothing else. Traktori nok leshon edhe pse pa gola kunder ftetarit, nje pike i mjafton te qendroje ne vendin e 5-ste. God has no choice but to use the tire and do not put it on the 6-wheel drive. Tomorri, no one asked and “parashikueshme” ne 12 jave ka arritur 5 here sejcilin rezultat 0-0 dhe 1-1!!! When you have money and don’t eat anything else.
Java and trembedhjete | January 18, 1981
17 Nentori – Flamurtari (17.01) | 3-0 |
Lokomotiva – Partizani | 1-1 |
Luftetari – Tomorri | 3-0 |
Skenderbeu – Labinoti | 1-1 |
Dinamo – Vllaznia | 0-0 |
Beselidhja – Besa | 0-0 |
Naftetari – Traktori | 3-0 |
Reditja Finale per Fazen Pare
1.PARTIZANI | 17 Pike | 18-9 Gol. | 8.BESA | 12 Pk | 12-11 Gol. |
2.17 NENTORI | 17 | 16-10 | 9.LABINOTI | 12 | 11-11 |
3.DINAMO | 17 | 14-8 | 10.BESELIDHJA | 12 | 9-9 |
4.FLAMURTARI | 15 | 16-11 | 11.LOKOMOTIVA | 11 | 10-12 |
5.LUFTETARI | 13 | 16-15 | 12.SKENDERBEU | 10 | 10-15 |
6.VLLAZNIA | 13 | 12-12 | 13.TOMORRI | 10 | 5-10 |
7.TRAKTORI | 13 | 9-16 | 14.NAFTETARI | 10 | 9-15 |
13 don’t have anything to do with it. Itani I mbyllin fazen and pare ne krye tre skuadra me 17 pike. Partizanit and Dinamos u eshte ar edhe 17 nentori and cila mposhti bukur tartarin ne ndeshjen and luajtur me janar 17 Tiranasit ne fakt kishin hedhur kandidaturen vendin and kryesuesit, nje jave me pare texa fitonin ne kavaje 2-0. 5 You can’t eat anything that doesn’t happen after 17 days. Participation in the Dinamo system is not on the road, please don’t stop and move on the drive and don’t leave it. Fale golaverazhit, Partizani eshte campion i dimrit.
FAZA E-DYTE > Java e katermbedhj you | February 8, 1981
Dianmo – Tractor (7.02) | 2-0 |
Tomorri – Labinoti | 1-0 |
Skenderbeu – Partizani | 1-1 |
Locomotive – Besa | 1-0 |
Covenant – Ensign | 1-1 |
November 17 – Vllaznia | 3-0 |
Oilman – Fighter | 2-1 |
NOVEMBER 1.17 | 19 P | 19-10 Goal. | 8. VLLAZNIA | 13 Q | 12-15 Goals. |
2.DYNAMO | 19 | 16-8 | 9. THE TRACTOR | 13 | 9-18 |
3. PARTISAN | 18 | 19-10 | 10.BESA | 12 | 12-12 |
4. FLAG | 16 | 17-12 | 11. LABINOTI | 12 | 11-12 |
5. WARRIOR | 13 | 17-17 | 12.TOMMORRI | 12 | 6-10 |
6. THE COVENANT | 13 | 10-10 | 13. OIL MAN | 12 | 11-16 |
7. LOCOMOTIVE | 13 | 11-12 | 14.SKENDERBEU | 11 | 11-16 |
14 goals scored!
Partizan does not go further than a draw in Korce and loses the head. Now they lead
November 17 and Dinamo. The Tiranians win against Vllaznisa cleanly 3-0, deserving first place thanks to the best goalkeeping. Dinamo, who played on Saturday, February 7, beat Traktor 2-0.
All three teams are followed by Flagurtari, who tied this week in Lezhe 1-1.
Quite interesting and in a total balance, the situation is presented from the 5th to the last place. Grouping of teams that fight for standing in the category.
Important victories of Tomorri, Naftetari and Lokomotiva. Besa lands in 10th place, in the vortex of teams for survival. However, everything remains open!
The fifteenth week | February 15, 1981
Warrior – Labinoti | 1-0 |
Partisan – Tomb | 0-0 |
Besa – Skanderbeu | 3-1 |
Ensign – Locomotive | 0-0 |
Brotherhood – Covenant | 3-2 |
Tractor – 17 November | 1-1 |
Naftetari – Dinamo | 0-2 |
1.DYNAMO | 21 Points | 18–8 Goals. | 8. LOCOMOTIVE | 14 Pk | 11–12 Goals. |
NOVEMBER 2.17 | 20 | 20 – 11 | 9. THE TRACTOR | 14 | 10 –19 |
3. PARTISAN | 19 | 19 – 10 | 10. THE COVENANT | 13 | 12 – 13 |
4. FLAG | 17 | 17 – 12 | 11.TOMMORRI | 13 | 6 – 10 |
5. WARRIOR | 15 | 18 – 17 | 12.LABINOTI | 12 | 11 – 13 |
6. BROTHERHOOD | 15 | 15 – 17 | 13. OIL OIL | 12 | 11 – 18 |
7. FAITH | 14 | 15 – 13 | 14.SKENDERBEU | 11 | 12 – 19 |
14 goals in total this week!
The leader is changed again. Tractor stopped 17 November 1-1, achieving an important draw, due to the fact that Lushnjars have lost a lot of ground, being in the “hot” zone of relegation.
Dinamo “rocks” the head with the victory in Kucove. Meanwhile, Partizan could not do more than a poor 0-0 against Tomorri at home.
The same can be said for Flamurtari, which it does not go further than a goalless draw against Durresaka. Apart from Dinamo this week, the other contenders disappoint.
In Shkoder, the northern “derby” is played, if the match between two neighboring cities can be called that. Vllaznia wins 3-2 in a beautiful challenge full of goals. This is how Shkodranet climbs to the 6th place.
Even Besa wins an important match against Skenderbeu, showing that the Cavaliers know how to react, even though this year seems to be an unpleasant season for them.
In the ranking, Luftetari goes up and Labinoti goes down. Naftetari stays in place, while Skanderbeu closes the table.
Sixteenth week | February 22, 1981
Covenant – Tractor | 2-1 |
Tomorri – Besa | 0-0 |
Labinoti – Partizani | 1-0 |
Skanderbeg – Flamurtari | 1-0 |
November 17 – Naftetari | 4-1 |
Dynamo – The Warrior | 1-3 |
Locomotive – Vllaznia | 0-2 |
NOVEMBER 1.17 | 22 Pk | 24-12 Go. | 8. THE COVENANT | 15 Pk | 14–14 Go. |
2. DYNAMO | 21 | 19-11 | 9.LABINOTI | 14 | 12-13 |
3. THE PARTISAN | 19 | 19-11 | 10. LOCOMOTIVE | 14 | 11-14 |
4. FLAURTARY | 17 | 17-13 | 11.TOMMORRI | 14 | 6-10 |
5. WARRIOR | 17 | 21-18 | 12. TRACTOR | 14 | 11-21 |
6. VLLAZNIA | 17 | 17-17 | 13.SKENDERBEU | 13 | 13-19 |
7. BESA | 15 | 15-13 | 14. OIL MAN | 12 | 12-22 |
16 goals scored, of course, are not many and speak of a deficiency in the finalization of actions. Anyway, it seems to be an interesting championship, in balance, open and above all active, alive both in the first places and in the “hot” zone of relegation.
The loss of the leader Dinamo in Tirana against Luftetar 1-3 stands out. Gjirokastrites led by Sefedin Braho and Luan Seiti are quick in their actions and achieve a result that puts them in the contending teams, seeing the balance among the teams in each part of the ranking.
Meanwhile, on November 17, he doesn’t forgive, he scores 4 goals for Naftetari and regains the lead. Nentoras are the only team that have scored more than any other so far this season.
Zhgenjen Partizani, who somehow leaves the head. In Elbasan, Labinoti gives his fans a win, albeit minimal, against a big-name opponent.
The same thing is done by the Volyns in Korce as they lose 1-0, going down to the 6th place. It is strange, but thanks to the balance that characterizes this championship, now Luftetari and Vllaznia have been added to the claims, the latter defeating the locals in Durres 2-0. Yes, finally Vllaznia seems to have returned to its form, among the leaders and rivals for the title, even though this season is still far away.. All three teams are equal on points, 17!!!
Others: Beselidhja defeats Traktor in Lezhe 2-1 in a rival match, surpassing the meadows with one point in the ranking.
Besa and Tomorri don’t want to be “damaged” and share a point in Berat. Tomorri marks the second game in a row without goals and the 7th in 16 weeks!!! The team appears to be strong in defense as well as incapable of scoring goals. This is well shown by the goal average figures of 6-10, being the team that scored the least and conceded the least after the 16 games played.
Now it is Naftetari that goes down to the bottom of the classification.
Seventeenth week | March 1, 1981
Dinamo – November 17 | 1-0 |
Vllaznia – Skanderbeu | 2-0 |
Warrior – Partisan | 0-1 |
Besa – Labinoti | 5-0 |
Tractor – Locomotive | 1-2 |
Naftatari – Covenant | 0-1 |
Flamurtari – Morri | 2-0 |
1. DYNAMO | 23 P | 20-11 Goal. | 8. THE COVENANT | 17 P | 15-14 Goal. |
2. NOVEMBER 17 | 22 | 24-13 | 9. LOCOMOTIVE | 16 | 13-15 |
3. THE PARTISAN | 21 | 20-11 | 10. LABINOTI | 14 | 12-13 |
4. FLAGMAN | 19 | 19-13 | 11.TOMMORRI | 14 | 6-12 |
5. BROTHERHOOD | 19 | 19-17 | 12. TRACTOR | 14 | 12-23 |
6. FAITH | 17 | 20-13 | 13. SKENDERBEU | 13 | 13-21 |
7. WARRIOR | 17 | 21-19 | 14. OIL MAN | 12 | 12-23 |
There are 15 goals scored this week.
Dinamo regains the lead by winning even though at least 1-0 precisely against its rivals
November 17 in the match of the week. Partizan’s victory in Gjirokaster makes him not distance himself the first place. 2 points, in this extremely balanced championship, are not enough to lose hopes for the title.
The ascent of Vllaznis continues, another victory, this time in Shkoder against Skanderbeg.
With the same result, Flamurtari also wins against Tomorri, sharing together with Shkodran the 4th and 5th places, with equal points, 19.
After them, there are Besa, Luftetari and Beselidhja with the same points, 17. Lezhjani have won in Q. Stalin (1-0) showing that they do not want to go down to places 7-8, while Naftetari remains at the bottom also this week, as everything remains open and hopeful in the fight for existence in the first category.
The tractor, lower and lower, towards the dangerous area.
Bese’s goal that adjusts the goal difference is noticeable!
Eighteenth week | March 8, 1981
Partizani – Besa (7.03) | 2-1 |
Labinoti – Flagman | 1-1 |
Tomorri – Vllaznia | 2-0 |
Skenderbeu – Tractor | 0-0 |
Locomotive – Oilman | 0-1 |
Beselidhja – Dinamo | 0-0 |
November 17 – Warrior | 1-0 |
NOVEMBER 1.17 | 24 P | 25-13 G. | 8. WARRIOR | 17 P | 21-20 G. |
2.DYNAMO | 24 | 20-11 | 9. LOCOMOTIVE | 16 | 13-16 |
3. PARTISAN | 23 | 22-12 | 10.TEST | 16 | 8-12 |
4. FLAG | 20 | 20-14 | 11.LABINOTI | 15 | 13-14 |
5. BROTHERHOOD | 19 | 19-19 | 12. TRACTOR | 15 | 12-23 |
6. THE COVENANT | 18 | 15-14 | 13.SKENDERBEU | 14 | 13-21 |
7. BESA | 17 | 21-15 | 14.OIL OIL | 14 | 13-23 |
Only 9 goals in the 18th week, they are very few. Among other things, two results 0-0, and two others 1-0. The first two and the last two teams in the ranking are respectively with equal points.
November 17 and Dinamo lead with equal points and only thanks to the goal difference, the Dinamo are positioned in the first place after the 1-0 victory in Tirana against Luftetar.
Dinamo travels for victory in Lezhe, but does not go further than a 0-0 draw. The agreement shows once again that it is a team to be taken into consideration.
Starting behind them, Partizani follows them with only one point difference. The Reds played on Saturday and won 2-1 against Besa.
Flamurtar needs one point to pass Vllaznise, which lost in Berat against Tomorri (2-0). Beratas are the only team that have scored 8 goals so far in these 18 weeks.
In the last places: Traktor takes one point from Korcars and equals points with Labinot (15), while Naftetari, despite winning in Durres, remains at the bottom again, with equal points (14) but only thanks to the five goals with Skanderbeg
Nineteenth week | April 12, 1981
Flamurtari – Partizani | 0-1 |
Warrior – Besa | 0-1 |
Tractor – Tomb | 0-0 |
November 17 – Covenant | 2-1 |
Naftetari – Skanderbeu | 0-0 |
Dynamo – Locomotive | 0-1 |
Vllaznia – Labinoti | 2-2 |
NOVEMBER 1.17 | 26 P | 27-14 G. | 8. LOCOMOTIVE | 18 P | 14-16 G. |
2. THE PARTISAN | 25 | 23-12 | 9. WARRIOR | 17 | 21-21 |
3.DYNAMO | 24 | 20-12 | 10.TEST | 17 | 8-12 |
4. BROTHERHOOD | 20 | 21-21 | 11.LABINOTI | 16 | 15-16 |
5. FLAG | 20 | 20-10 | 12. TRACTOR | 16 | 12-23 |
6. BESA | 19 | 22-15 | 13.SKENDERBEU | 15 | 13-21 |
7. THE COVENANT | 18 | 16-16 | 14. OIL YARD | 15 | 13-23 |
10 goals scored, one more than last week. Two white results 0-0, three with only one goal (1-0), while in Shkoder 4 goals are scored.
Unexpected loss of Dinamo in Tirana against Lokomotiva. The victory of November 17, 2-1, against Beselidhje, makes the Tirana people lead alone. November 17 is the team that has scored the most so far, a total of 27 times. Partizan’s third consecutive victory, defeating Flamurtari in Vlora, its closest follower in the most important sign of the week.
Now the three first place teams, 17 November, Partizan and Dinamo are separated by 6, 5 and 4 points and it seems that the battle for the title will be played between them.
A beautiful and exciting match took place in the “Vojo Kushi” stadium in Shkodra, even though Vllaznia did not manage to win, it played a beautiful football in front of its fans. Labinoti took advantage of the mistakes in the Shkodra defense and managed to get a point in the draw with 4 scored goals.
Besa ascends. Now, after the important victory in Gjirokaster, she jumps into 6th place and thanks to the goal average, it is better positioned in front of Beselidhje, which continues to resist by “swimming” in places 6-7.
Tomorri apparently specializes in 0-0 goalless matches. Even Traktor reaches the second draw in a row without goals.
The next important match of the week, starting from the situation created at the bottom of the table, it was the one developed in Stalin City between Naftetari and Skanderbeg, a direct challenge of rivals to survive in the first category. With all the great interest, that match ended goalless 0-0, leaving everything open as it was before.
Balanced and quite interesting, the rest of the classification is missing.
Now there are the last four teams separated, two with 16 points and two with 15 points, but not even Luftetari, Tomorri (17 points) are safe, as they feel the pull of the magnetic field of the last two places.
Twentieth week | April 19, 1981
Besa – Ensign | 2-2 |
Partizani – Vllaznia | 3-1 |
Labinoti – Tractor | 1-0 |
Tomori – Naftetari | 1-1 |
Skenderbeu – Dinamo | 0-1 |
Locomotive – November 17 | 1-1 |
Warrior – Covenant | 2-1 |
NOVEMBER 1.17 | 27 P. | 28-15 G. | 8. LOCOMOTIVE | 19 P. | 15-17 G. |
2. PARTISAN | 27 | 26-14 | 9.LABINOTI | 18 | 16-16 |
3.DYNAMO | 26 | 21-12 | 10. THE COVENANT | 18 | 17-18 |
4. FLAG | 21 | 22-12 | 11.TOMMORRI | 18 | 9-13 |
5.BESA | 20 | 24-17 | 12.OIL OIL | 16 | 14-24 |
6. BROTHERHOOD | 20 | 22-24 | 13. TRACTOR | 16 | 12-24 |
7. WARRIOR | 19 | 23-22 | 14.SKENDERBEU | 15 | 13-22 |
17 goals, something better than other weeks.
Partizan wins nicely in Shkoder (3-1) and here it is back at the top with equal points (27) and thanks to only one goal difference, November 17 leaves the first place this week. Dinamo starts behind them after winning 1-0 in Korce, leaving Skanderbeu in last place.
The draw with four goals in Kavaje, and the loss of Vllaznis in its field, favors Flamurtari this week, which takes fourth place with one point more than Shkodran and Kavaje.
Important victory for the Warrior against the Covenant, and also for Labinot against the Tractor, the latter loses ground and slips to the penultimate place. Valuable draws between Lokomotiva and Tomori against Naftetari, where the Kucovars leave the two hot spots for the 2nd category. However, nothing remains certain, as does the fight for the title, which continues to remain open now with three teams that change the lead every week.
Twenty-first week | April 26, 1981
17 November – Skanderbeu (25.04) | 1-2 |
Warrior – Ensign | 1-0 |
Vlaznia – Besa | 2-2 |
Tractor – Partisan | 0-1 |
Naftetari – Labinoti | 0-0 |
Dynamo – Tomori | 3-1 |
Covenant – Locomotive | 1-1 |
1. PATIZANI | 29 P. | 27-14 G. | 8. LOCOMOTIVE | 20 P. | 16-18 G. |
2. DYNAMO | 28 | 24-13 | 9.LABINOTI | 19 | 16-16 |
NOVEMBER 3.17 | 27 | 29-17 | 10. THE COVENANT | 19 | 18-19 |
4. FLAG | 21 | 22-13 | 11.TOMMORRI | 18 | 10-16 |
5.BESA | 21 | 26-19 | 12.SKENDERBEU | 17 | 15-23 (-8) |
6. WARRIOR | 21 | 24-22 | 13.OIL OIL | 17 | 14-24 (-10) |
7. BROTHERHOOD | 21 | 24-26 | 14. TRACTOR | 16 | 12-25 |
15 goals were scored this week!
This week we also have a change of the first place as well as the last places. Meanwhile, in the middle of the table, from places 4-7, 4 teams are tied with 21 points each.
Specifically, Partizan’s victory in Lushnje and the loss on November 17 in Korce makes the red team regain the top spot. Dinamo, wins against Tomorri 3-1 and follows, starting behind him with a difference of one point. The loss on November 17 in Tirana stands out, which drops the Tirana team to third place, three points away from the leader.
Another beautiful victory of Luftetar, this time against rivals Vlonjat, moves them to the 6th place. In fact, Flamurtari, Besa and Vllaznia have the same number of points (21), but even though they lose, Vlonia remain in 4th place thanks to the better goal difference.
An exciting draw in Shkoder, where, as always in Vllaznise matches, the goals are scored together with the beautiful and attacking game of the Shkodra players who play and let the opponents play. Completely different from Tomorri, who this time “stuck” the strategy of goalless matches, losing 3 to Dynamo.
The long-awaited match was the one between the “rivals” this week of the local Beselidhja and Lokomotiv, which ended in a draw, leaving both in the 8th and 10th places, respectively, as they were a week ago.
In recent countries we have a total change. Now Traktor, after the minimal loss with Partizan, is at the bottom with 16 points. Excellent reaction of Skenderbeu who wins on 17 November, currently climbing to 12th place with equal points, however, with Naftetari (17) who gets a goalless draw in Kucove against Labinot.
Twenty-second week | May 3, 1981
Locomotive – Warrior | 0-0 |
Tomori – November 17 | 0-1 |
Labinoti – Dinamo | 1-2 |
Partizan – Naftetari | 4-1 |
Skenderbeu – Beselidhja | 2-1 |
Flamurtari – Vllaznia | 1-1 |
Besa – Tractor | 1-0 |
1. PARTISAN | 31 P. | 31-15 G. | 8. LOCOMOTIVE | 21 P | 16-18 G. |
2.DYNAMO | 30 | 26-14 | 9.LABINOTI | 19 | 17-18 |
NOVEMBER 3.17 | 29 | 30-17 | 10. THE COVENANT | 19 | 19-21 |
4. FAITH | 23 | 27-19 | 11.SKENDERBEU | 19 | 17-24 |
5. FLAGMAN | 22 | 23-14 | 12.TOMMORRI | 18 | 10-17 |
6. WARRIOR | 22 | 24-22 | 13.OIL OIL | 17 | 15-28 |
7. BROTHERHOOD | 22 | 25-27 | 14. TRACTOR | 16 | 12-26 |
15 goals of the week of the 22nd! Everything continues to remain open, especially survival in the first category. While three teams are fighting for the championship title, there are 5-6 other teams, from the 9th place, who are in the vortex of relegation.
The three first place teams win, maintaining their positions from the previous week.
Partizan “takes out his anger” on Naftetari for the 0-1 loss in the first stage in Kucove, scoring 4 goals this time (4-1). Dinamo also wins in Elbasan, remaining one point behind Partizan. November 17 defeats Tomorri in the difficult field of Beratas (1-0) and remains third.
Then Besa is in 4th place with 23 points, after the minimal victory (1-0), sinking Traktor more and more at the bottom of the table.
It is Cavajas who are now followed by Flamurtari, Luftetari and Vllaznia, all three with 22 points. In Vlora, everything ends in a draw between two rivals who don’t want to be “killed” and thus share one point. (1-1). Luftetar also drew in Durres, but without goals (0-0).
Since the 19th week, Lushnjaret have achieved only one draw and three losses in a row, leaving a lot of the ground of safety in which the team was “swimming” and going with the flow now towards the last place. Well, the team started well and also continues the championship until the 18th week…. then what happened to the lushes?
Another beautiful victory for Skanderbeg, this time against Beselidhje, which, like Traktori, has started to release in these weeks, seeing itself with 19 points in the places of uncertainty for survival in this category. After Lezhjane, there are still Tomorri with 18 points and Naftetari with 17. Korcarat now seems to be on the rise of the hot zone, breaking away from the last place with three and the penultimate place with two points.
Twenty-third week | May 17, 1981
Dinamo – Partizani | 0-0 |
November 17 – Labinoti | 2-0 |
Warrior – Vllaznia | 0-1 |
Locomotive – Skanderbeg | 0-0 |
Tractor – Flagship | 1-3 |
Naftetari – Besa | 1-0 |
Covenant – Tomori | 2-1 |
1. PARTISAN | 32 Pk | 31-15 G. | 8. LOCOMOTIVE | 22 Pk | 16-18 G. |
2.DYNAMO | 31 | 26-14 | 9. THE COVENANT | 21 | 21-22 |
NOVEMBER 3.17 | 31 | 32-17 | 10. SKENDERB. | 20 | 17-24 |
4. FLAG | 24 | 26-15 | 11.LABINOTI | 19 | 17-20 |
5. BROTHERHOOD | 24 | 26-27 | 12.OIL OIL | 19 | 16-28 |
6. BESA | 23 | 27-20 | 13.TOMMORRI</t d> | 18 | 11-19 |
7. WARRIOR | 22 | 24-23 | 14. TRACTOR | 16 | 13-29 |
In this week, 11 goals are scored. In four games only 2 goals are scored. Two results with intact nets 0-0 and two more with only 1 goal (1-0)! It is weak in the finalization of shares, although the ranking figures show a complete balance.
The match of the card, the one between Dinamo and Partizan, ended with intact nets, 0-0, leaving no room for any change regarding the leadership. Although on November 17 they won 2-0 against Labinot, they again remained in third place, Dinamons tied for second with (31) but it is 2 points away from the first place.
Even the other challenges of this week were quite interesting. Thus, the victory of Vllaznis in Gjirokaster (1-0), and of Flamurtar in Lushnje makes both of these teams walk “hand in hand” together with 24 points behind the three contenders for the title.
Traktori – Flagurtari and Naftetari – Besa were also matches that attracted attention and interest. Lushnjaret loses again, now remaining at the bottom with three distant points….while Naftetari, with the minimal victory over Besa, climbs to 12th place with 19 points.
Tomorri’s loss in Lezhe positions Beratasi in 13th place, which means they are relegated from the category.
Lokomotiva Skanderbeu, “agree” with a dry 0-0, which is enough for them to stay as far away from the zone as possible. 2
Twenty-fourth week | May 24, 1981
Vllaznia – Tractor | 3-2 |
Flamurtari – Naftetari | 1-2 |
Partizani – November 17 | 3-2 |
Labinoti – The Covenant | 3-0 |
Tomori – Locomotive | 2-1 |
Skenderbeu – Warrior | 1-0 |
Besa – Dinamo | 1-3 |
1. THE PARTISAN | 34 Pk | 34-17 G. | 8. LOCOMOTIVE | 22 Pk. | 17-20 G. |
2.DYNAMO | 33 | 29-15 | 9.SKENDERBEU | 22 | 18-24 |
NOVEMBER 3.17 | 31 | 34-20 | 10. THE COVENANT | 21 | 21-25 |
4. BROTHERHOOD | 26 | 29-29 | 11.LABINOTI | 21 | 20-25 |
185. FLAGMURTARI | 24 | 27-17 | 12.OIL OIL | 21 | 18-19 |
6. FAITH | 23 | 28-23 | 13.TOMMORRI | 20 | 13-20 |
7. WARRIOR | 22 | 24-24 | 14TRACTOR | 16 | 15-23 |
A total of 24 goals scored this week. Very nice!
The championship has entered the closing and quite interesting phase. Two more weeks separate us to know the champion team and the two teams that will be relegated.
Partizan continues to lead although with a point. They defeated their rightful rival on November 17, 3-2, after a match not only with goals, but accompanied by strong emotions for the fans of both sides. After this loss, the hopes for the title of Tirana are now reduced. Meanwhile, Dinamo is one point behind the leaders and it seems that the title will now be played between them. Dynamovity convincing with the victory in Kavaje 3-1 against Besa, which this season is characterized by ups and downs.
Once again a spectacle and beautiful football with lots of goals in Shkoder where Vllaznia beat Traktor
3-2 moving them to the 4th place. Tractor in free fall, the 5th loss in a row. Lushnjarat ends in the second category two weeks before the end. The tractor does not win since the 11th week against Vllaznisa 1-0 in Lushnje, in that historic victory for them. What is there what happened with this team that in the first phase “floated” in the classification from places 5-8? Since the 11th week, actually two weeks before the end of the first phase, Traktor has achieved 4 draws and 9 losses so far after the 24th week.
Naftetaras hit well in Vlore (2-1), surprising everyone.
Labinoti who wins against Beselidhje (3-0) and Tomorri against Lokomotiva (2-1) react. However, nothing has changed for Beratasi, they remain in the penultimate place again, while Kucovar after the victory in Vlora (1-0) are one point ahead in 12th place.
Now from the 7th to the 13th place, there is an unimaginable balance. 7 teams do not feel at all assured to stay in the first place, seeing that the difference in points is not more than two!!!
In this grouping of teams, another beautiful victory of Skanderbeg 1-0 against Luftetar stands out, which even the Korcars equalized with a point, somehow avoiding survival positions.
Twenty-fifth week | May 31, 1981
Warrior – Tractori | 1-0 |
Naftetari – Vllaznia | 3-0 |
Dinamo – Flagship | 2-1 |
November 17 – Besa | 2-0 |
Covenant – Partisan | 0-0 |
Locomotive – Labinoti | 2-2 |
Skenderbeu – Tomori | 0-1 |
1. PARTISAN | 35 Pk | 34-17 G. | 8. LOCOMOTIVE | 23 Pk | 19-22 G. |
2.DYNAMO | 35 | 31-16 | 9. OIL OIL | 23 | 21-29 |
NOVEMBER 3.17 | 33 | 36-20 | 10.LABINOTI | 22 | 22-25 |
4. BROTHERHOOD | 26 | 29-32 | 11. THE COVENANT | 22 | 21-25 |
5. FLAG | 24 | 28-19 | 12.TOMMORRI | 22 | 14-20 |
6. WARRIOR | 24 | 25-24 | 13.SKENDERBEU | 22 | 18-25 |
7.BESA | 23 | 28-25 | 14. TRACTOR | 16 | 15-24 |
14 goals scored in the penultimate week.
With the exception of Traktor, which fell from the category, nothing else is clear. Closing the championship so balanced, especially for survival, had never been seen before, at least in the last 10-20 years.
The draw in Lezhe gives “breath” to the Lezhians, but for Partizan, the lost point could cost them a lot, a week before the end. Dinamo takes advantage, and wins 2-1 against Flamurtari, equaling its historical rival with 35 points. Now, each at the top of the table in the final sprint for the title that remains open until the last 90 minutes of this very balanced championship.
The victory on November 17 does not change anything, as the Tirana team secured third place no matter how the last 90 minutes went.
Naftetari “shakes” Vllaznina with a shocking 3-0 and is very close to staying in the first category, a draw in the last week is enough. It should be mentioned that this deep loss for Vllaznina was unforgivable. Meanwhile, Luftetari wins 1-0 and “sends” Traktor to the second category mathematically, also a week before the end.
Maybe the Korcars thought too much about the times they escaped from the fall, after the match against Tomorri, maybe Skanderbeu thought it was easy. They were punished (0-1) in their field, now waiting for the last 90-minutes of an endless anxiety.
23 points have a grouping of 3 teams starting with Besen, Lokomotiven, and Naftetarin, for which one point is enough to be next year in the first category.
Labin oti, Beselidhja, Tomorri and Skenderbeu have 22 points and they have to play a decisive 90 minutes to determine their fate.
Who will accompany Traktor in the second category?
Final week, twenty sixth | June 7, 1981
Partisan – Locomotive | 2-1 |
Tomori – The Warrior | 0-0 |
Labinoti – Skanderbeu | 2-1 |
Vllaznia – Dinamo | 1-1 |
Faith – Covenant | 0-0 |
Tractor – Oilman | 2-3 |
Flamurtari – November 17 | 1-2 |
No. | N | F | B | H | GB | GP | PK | |
1 | PARATIZANI | 26 | 15 | 7 | 4 | 36 | 17 | 37 |
2 | Dynamo | 26 | 14 | 8 | 4 | 32 | 17 | 36 |
3 | 17 November Tirana | 26 | 14 | 7 | 5 | 38 | 21 | 35 |
4 | Vllaznia Shkodër | 26 | 9 | 9 | 8 | 30 | 33 | 27 |
5 | Gjirokastra warrior | 26 | 10 | 5 | 11 | 25 | 24 | 25 |
6 | Oilman City Stalin | 26 | 10 | 5 | 11 | 24 | 32 | 25 |
7 | Besa Kavajë | 26 | 7 | 10 | 9 | 28 | 25 | 24 |
8 | Vlora flag | 26 | 8 | 8 | 10 | 27 | 26 | 24 |
9 | Labinoti Elbasan | 26 | 7 | 10 | 9 | 24 | 28 | 24 |
10 | Lezhë Covenant | 26 | 6 | 11 | 9 | 21 | 25 | 23 |
11 | Durrës Locomotives | 26 | 6 | 11 | 9 | 20 | 24 | 23 |
12 | Tomori Berat | 26 | 4 | 15 | 7 | 14 | 20 | 23 |
13 | Skënderbeu Korçë | 26 | 5 | 12 | 9 | 19 | 27 | 22 |
14 | Lushnjë tractor | 26 | 4 | 8 | 14 | 17 | 36 | 16 |
It is the last week of the championship, the week where the champion team of Albania for this season will be recognized and also who will accompany Traktor in the second category.
Final 90 minutes!
Everyone is listening to the radio, where the show “From one match to another” is broadcast! Attention is focused in Tirana in the Partizani – Lokomotiva challenge and also in Shkoder in the big Vllaznia – Dinamo clash. Of course, without forgetting the fields of the stadiums “Labinoti” in Elbasan, “Tomorri” in Berat and “Besa” in Kavaje where the matches are played for survival.
And Partizan wins against Lokomotiv 2-1; Dinamo “stuck” in Vllaznia 1-1. Partizan is happy and starts celebrating for the title of champion. The team with the championship medals is greeted by its fans.
Dinamo comes out upset by “Vojo Kushi” even though it tried hard, it doesn’t go beyond one point, not enough for the champion title.
Labinoti gives the victory to his sports fans and the certainty of staying in the first category. On the contrary, Skenderbeu, which escaped the whirlwind of two dangerous places, with two losses in the last two weeks, saw itself on the way to the second category. Besa – Beselidhja “agree” with no goals and one point. Tomorri and Luftetar do the same thing. Why risk it?
Meanwhile, the other two matches in Vlora and Lushnje will take place to complete the calendar. The flagship has lost its previous brilliance, losing again for the third time in a row and falling to 8th place!
The tractor has nothing left but the memories from the first phase. Lushnjaret they also lost the last match against Naftetari’s rivals 2-3.
1980-81 Champion Partisan
Perlat Musta, Artur Lekbello, Kastriot Hysi, Arjan Ahmetaj, Safet Berisha Sulejman Starova, Kristaq Eksarko, Kr istaq CikoValter Mece, Alqi Gjini, Feim Breca, Haxhi Ballgjini, Ferid Rragami, Ilir Lame, Bujar Hado, Musa Fagu, Genc Tomori, Agim Murati, Hasan Lika, Gezim Mance, Coach: Bejkush Birce.
FK Partizani UP
Skënderbeu Korçë, Lushnjë Tractor
GOALS SCORED: 355; 2.0 average per game:
Dashnor Bajaziti (Besa) 12 goals
Pjerin Bj.
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