Kinostudio’s film once, the denigration of cinema today, and a thousand unanswered questions!


Kinostudio’s film “Shqiperia e Re” should have been not only national pride, but also Albanian cultural wealth. In every country of the world where it is created and produced, the film itself is a propaganda of the state that makes it and even further, in a large percentage of it, it must present the artistic, cultural and historical values of that same country.

Thus, in its entirety, what was produced by the largest and only studio of our cinematography has cultural, educational and even historical values of our country and people. And there is no way it could be otherwise, except as a reflection of the time and the time period during which the Albanian film was made.

In our country, based on socialist realism, the film is divided into several genres according to the topics it deals with. Our films at Kinostudio are historical, about war, they are from the reconstruction of the country after the war. They are romance, drama, espionage, comedy, musical. Of course, there are also excessive ideologies in some of them, just as there are films based on real events.

More or less like in every country in the world, our cinematography before the 90s has very beautiful films, quality films but also weak ones. I mention cultural and educational ones above, because in many films produced by that Kinostudio, the closure of which then gave way to various abuses, the real life of a people, culture, traditions with a completely Albanian sole is shown in the film. The concept of the family, which is the most beautiful thing even from a religious point of view, love and respect for parents, teachers, homeland, emancipation of women, schooling, education of generations and their preparation in every field of life. Kinostudio’s film also shows education, courtesy and respect for the elderly, social education with work (which is almost completely absent in the endless transition of democratic developments), an endless list of virtues to build and live a life with dignity.

It also has historical value, because it best shows the efforts and struggles of a country for freedom and independence, the protection of the spoken language, of our broken lands. Films such as “Second November”, “Freedom or death”, “The road of writing”, “Mesonjetorja” are the historical evidence of our country and people. Other

films like “The Man with the Cannon”; “The Bronze Bust” (I teti ne bronz); “The War paths”; “Alleys that were looking for sun”; “At the beginning of summer” and other thematic ones from LANC, they give us a picture of World War II in our country, the occupation of Albania by Nazi-fascism and, unfortunately, by the collaboration of their tools that were thrown on the wrong side of history believing the great deception that the conqueror promised them, the union of our lands in exchange for their betrayal. Unfortunately, what has taken on the task of representing itself as right-wing and democratic, but without forgetting the “renewed” left, still today with the greatest impudence, manipulating, fabricating, distorting and misinterpreting facts and history, they are struggling with it. all the ways to justify the treason to the homeland of the “Mergate of the Cuckoos” around a self-proclaimed king (with the help of Serbian bayonets) on the run both in one country and in another where even the western world did not consider him as a monarch. Yes, but this is another topic…

The treacherous activity of this group, trained in refugee camps after the war and later gathered into subversive gangs after the liberation of Albania, is shown without exaggeration in the films “Special Assignment”; Operation “Fire” (based on reality, dedicated to the hero of the people of our conutry Pal Melyshi); “The Trap” (partially based on reality); “Threads to be cut”; “The Guest”; “The third”; “Silent duel” (another film based on a true event) to “When the foundations were laid” and “Days that brought spring”, a film whose fate, or the reason it was lost, is not clearly known.

Did they lost, rotten in any archives or censored like some other TV movies along with the Albanian dramas of the “People’s Theater” (Teatri Popullor)?

Meanwhile in the films “The first years”; “Confrontation”; “Light Commissioner”; “Our land”; “Bloody land”; “Dawns of the great season”; drama “Girl of the Mountains” etc. it shows the efforts, sacrifices and colossal work in the reconstruction of the country, the emancipation of women, the eradication of illiteracy, the obstacles and the hostile activities of subversive groups. Even some of the films on this topic are based on real events.

Strangely enough, with all the cultural and artistic values that the film carries, it begins after v. 1990, discussions and debates began to open about. Suddenly, the passion of the Albanians was transformed by being trumpeted as a forbidden propaganda, as a satanic ideology that must be blocked immediately!

During the 90s and after, it turned into an anxiety, characterizing the film as dangerous, with communist ideology, destructive and not at all educational in building a democratic society, etc., etc.

Even this topic about Kinostudio’s film has managed to turn into extremely strong debates until the closing and blocking of Kinostudio itself.

Who got killed  by Kinostudio’s film? Which of the members of an Albanian family does the movie “Kapedani” kills? Or other movies like, “The happy couple”; “Ladies from the city”; “Twice mate”; “Rain on the beach”?       Which of the Albanian families did the movie “Warm Hand” embarrass?

“I love Era”; “In every season”; “Love your name”; “The train leaves at 7 to 5”; “In our house” or “When a movie was shot”?

Which of the generation of children is educated with the ideology of communism by watching the films: “Beni walks by himslef”; “A little delay”; “Our friend Tili”; “The Spoiled Mimosa”, without wanting to mention here a long list of these films…

Then, if we follow the logic and reason of those who want to destroy Kinostudio’s film, we are drowning the last series of questions as follows: Who kills and destroys more, who transmits more anxiety and depression, “Tik- Tok”, “Facebook”, “Instagram” or the Albanian film (named by some stupid minds as communist films)?

From naming the film “communist”, the evil purpose of a group of people begins to take shape!

First of all, Kinostudio’s film, is not a communist film, but a production of the Albanian state for the Albanian people, produced and fabricated by Kinostudio “Shqiperia e Re” (afterwards AlbaFilm) under the public domain for all Albanians.

To shot down these films means to censor the work and contribution of the scenic arts, the artists of this genre, to deny with bad intent the work of entire generations that lay the foundations and continue to elevate the seventh art in Albania. Once upon a time, there is no denying the fact that the communist system cut long segments of a film tape or banned the screening of a film, condemned an artist…


Proving that nothing has changed, today a certain and politicized group seeks and insists on censoring an entire cinema!!! Where is the difference then? Censorship brings only dictatorship in every system!!!

Today, the will of the majority of our society, which still has Kinostudio’s film as its favorite cinematography, is opposed. However, many of Kinostudio’s films manage to escape, perhaps from “censorship” and evil minds, but still some special television films, Albanian dramas, song festivals, are no longer rebroadcast in any television media archive channel.

What is the cause?

1 – Avoiding a comparison that the Albanian art lovers can make between the two periods before and after the 90s?
2 – The malicious intent of a certain class that is afraid of history and uses censorship?
3 – And finally, which is perhaps not the last hypothesis, the use and abuse of these films for the personal benefit of a certain group of 4-5 directors, as the property of their families, because they were once designated as the most reliable by the secretaries of the Communist Party in power to perform the duties of the director in Kinostudio?

Maybe! The third base hypothesis is more stable.

Why was the Kinostudio “Shqiperia e Re” shot down and destroyed, made for the people and wealth of the Albanian state?

Why did the National Theater collapse and we still don’t have a new building today?


What are the achievements of Albanian cinematography after the 90s? Quality package films with artistic-cultural values that can be counted on the fingers, not to mention the theater performances, Albanian songs with street scripts and lyrics, taken from the notebooks of people in cafeterias with a truncated education.

About 90% of today’s theater performances are foreign scripts, which are staged by the director with 2-3 actors and have nothing to do with the problems of the lives of Albanians.

The same thing can be said about the topic of a movie, when our society currently leads a life full of troubles, problematic if not tragicomic! On the one hand, those who want the closure of the films complain, considering them not only ideological and murderous, but also out of touch with reality. On the other hand, nowdays why aren’t films made based on the reality of the time we live in today with all the problems of Albanian life?

I don’t think there is a lack of events, even the lives of Albanians are very full of events from all fields. Technology is also at the highest level of development. Then where are the scenarios that should cover the issues and topics of our society and country?

Well, as Mr. prime minister says: “There are jobs, but there are no professionals”!

This is also exactly the case with current cinematography. Until the real professionals come out, the Albanian film produced by Kinostudio “Shqiperia e Re” will continue to remain as the most favorite, the most liked, the most followed and if you wish, even with the terms of the time, it will remain even more the clicked on different social media. The disabled people have always attacked the work and achievement of the able people. This is the current situation not only for cinematography but in every aspect and field of Albanian life.

Honored films with national and international awards

(1957 – 1990)


Screenplay: Niko Koleka, Hysen Hakani, Gezim Erebara, Selman Vaqarri. Director: Hysen Hakani. Operator : Dh. Anagnosti, V. Gjika. Painter: G. Konomi, K. Dilo. Music : Tish Daija.

It was evaluated as the best film presented in the Albanian film retrospective at the XV International film festival in Giffone, Salerno, Italy in 1985 and was awarded with a special plaque given by “Rotari Club”


The first years

Screenplay: F. Gjata. R. Kristaq Dhamo. Painter: Xenophon Dilo. Music : N. Zoraqi

It was awarded the Second Class Republic Award for directing.


“Triumph over death”

Screenplay: P.Dado, G.Erebara. Directed by: G. Erebara. Camera: S. Kokona.

It was awarded the Republic Award for directing and the Third Class for the script, music and photography.


“Old wounds”

Script : Dh.Anagnosti Operator : F. Basha Painter : N.Prizreni

Honored with the Second Class Republic Award for the script and direction.



Screenplay : S.Plasari Director : Fehmi Oshafi, M.Fejzo Operator : I.Terpini Painter: Shyqyri Sako Music : Tasim Hoshafi

The main performer Albert Verria was awarded the Republic Award of the First Class for the interpretation of the role of Uncle Sulo


White streets

Screenplay : Vath Koreshi Director : Viktor Gjika Operator : Lionel Konomi Painter: Shyqyri Sako Music : Limoz Dizdari,

It was awarded the First Class Republic Award for directing.


Beny walks on his own

Screenplay: Kico Blushi Director: Xhanfise Keko Cinematographer : Saim Kokona Painter : Myrteza Fushekati Music : Limoz Dizdari

It was declared the best film together with “At the beginning of summer” at the First Albanian Film Festival in April 1976. It was awarded the Republic Award of the First Class for directing and the Third Class Award for the screenplay in 1976. Composer Limoz Dizdari received the Special Prize and medallion of the first festival in 1976. He received the Special Prize at the International Film Festival in Belgrade in 1976. Honored with the Special Prize at the International Film Festival for Youth and Children in Giffone, Salerno – Italy .


The Happy Couple (1975)

Screenplay: Bik Pepa and Kico Blushi Cinematographer : Bardhyl Martininani Painter : Xenofon Dilo Music: Agim Krajka.

Tinka Kurti and Bep Shiroka were awarded with a Special Award for the role of the mother and the fanatic, respectively.


River of light

Screenplay: Agim Cerga Director: Ismail Zhabjaku Cinematographer : Petraq Lubonja Painter: Azis Karalliu Music : Avni Mula

Cameraman Petraq Lubonja was awarded a Special Award for his work as a cameraman at the First Albanian Film Festival in 1976.


At the beginning of summer

Screenplay: Peci Dado Director : Gezim Erebara Operator : Faruk Basha
Painter: Astrit Tota Music: Kujtim Laro

It was announced as the best film at the First Albanian Film Festival in 1976. The screenwriter Peci Dado was awarded with the Republic Award of the First Class for this film and the “Road of writings”. The script won the Second Prize in the 1974 National Literary-Artistic Competition. The actor Sander Prosi was awarded the First Class Republic Prize for the role of Jaho Labi and the Cup of the Albanian Film Festival. In this festival, they were awarded the Special Prize. the painter Astrit Tota and the actresses Elida Cangonji for the role of Vere and Astrit Cerma for the role of Salvation and Lazer Filipi for the role of Shaqo Bregu.


The alleys that were looking for sun

Screenplay: Dhimiter Xhuvani Director : Rikard Ljarja Operator: Ilia Terpini Painter : Shyqyri Sako Music: Kujtim Laro

The director Rikard Ljarja as well as the actor Demir Hyskja for the role of Halim, Pandi Raidhi for the role of Jorgo and Ndrek Luca for the role of Gani Herri were awarded the Special Prize and the Medallion of the First Albanian Film Festival 1976


The last winter

Screenplay: Nexhati Tafaj. Director : Ibrahim Mucaj, Kristaq Mitro Cinematographer : Ilia Terpini Painter: Shyqyri Sako Music: Aleksander Lalo.

The screenplay won the second prize in the 1976 International Playwriting Competition. Directors I. Mucaj and K. Mitro were awarded the special prize for directorial debut at the second Albanian film festival in 1977. Liza Laska, Margarita Xhepa and Raimonda Bulku were awarded medals for the interpretation while I. Terpini with a medal for the work of the operator.


“The illegals”

Screenplay : Abaz Hoxha, Peci Dado. Director: Rikard Ljarja. Operator: Bardhyl Martiniani. Painter: Asiz Karalliu. Music: Haig Zaharian

The script won the Third Prize in the National Dramatic Literary Competition in 1976. The actresses Stavri Shkurti and Rikard Ljarja were awarded the medallion for the interpretation of the roles of Besim and engineer Tosti, respectively.


Poppies on the walls

Screenplay: Petraq Qafezezi, Dhimiter Anagnosti. Director: Dhimiter Anagnosti. Operator : Pellumb Kallfa. Painter: Namik Prizreni. Music : Kujtim Laro.

The script won the second prize in the national dramaturgy competition in 1976. It was declared the best film in the second Albanian film festival in 1977. It won the first class award of the Republic for the direction in 1979. It was awarded the Grand prix in the international festival of films in Belgrade 1980. He was awarded the gold medal at the Salerno International Film Festival 1985. The painter and composer was awarded the medallion of the Second Albanian Film Festival 1977.


Face to face

Screenplay : Teodor Laco Director : Viktor Gjika Operator: Lionel Konomi Painter: Azis Karalliu Music: Thoma Gaqi.

The screenplay, direction, painter and Bujar Lako for the role of Martin Kreke were awarded the Special Prize for the components and the Medallion of the 2nd Albanian Film Festival. Bujar Lako was also awarded the First Class Republic Award for the role above and that of Hali Berati in the film General Gramafoni.


The forest of freedom

Screenplay: Kico Blushi Director: Gezim Erebara Cinematographer: Saim Kokona Painter: Kleo Nini Music : Fehim Ibrahimi

The script won the third prize in the national dramaturgy competition. The composer was awarded a special award for the components at the Second Shqiotar Film Festival.


The lady from the city

Screenplay : Ruzhdi Pulaha Cinematographer : Lionel Konomi Painter : Arben Basha Music: Agim Krajka

The performer of the main role, Violeta Manushi, received the Medal of the Second Albanian Film Festival.


Tomka and his friends

Screenplay: Nasho Jorgaqi. Director: Xhanfise Keko Operator : Faruk Basha
Painter : Shyqyri Sako Music: Aleksander Lalo

Won a special prize at the VIII – International festival of films for children and young people in Gifone – Salerno Italy 1978.


The Gramophone General

Screenplay: Vath Koreshi Director : Viktor Gjika Cinematographer : Pellumb Kallfa Painter: Alush Shima. Music : Aleksander Peci.

It was declared the best film in the 3rd Albanian film festival. 1979. Won the Republic Award of the First Class for directing and the Second Class – for the screenplay. He received an Honorary Diploma out of competition at the 3rd Balkan Film Festival, which took place in Istanbul, Turkey in 1979.


After the tracks

Screenplay: Skifter Kellici. Directed by: Xhanfise Keko. Operator: Petraq Lubonja. Painter : Shyqyri Sako. Music : Nikola Zoraqi.

Won Special Award, Silver Medal at the International Film Festival in Salerno, Italy 1979.


The road of writings

Screenplay: Peci Dado, Vladimir Prifti Director: Vladimir Prifti. Operator : Paul Cooke. Painter: Fatbardh Marku. Music: Kujtim Laro.

It was awarded with a Special Award at the 3rd Albanian Film Festival, 1979. The screenwriters, director, painter and composer were awarded with the Festival Cup for the components. Peci Dado and Vladimir Prifti were awarded the First Class Republic Award for the screenplay. Operator Pali Kuke was honored with the same award.



Screenplay: Ilia Xhokaxhi Director: Muharrem Fejzo. Operator: Ilia Terpini. Painter: Shyqyri Sako, Ilia Xhokaxhi. Music : Limoz Dizdari.

The screenwriter, film painter and costume designer Ilia Xhokaxhi were awarded the Medallion for the components at the IV Albanian Film Festival, 1981. Roza Anagnosti was awarded the Festival Cup for the interpretation of the best role for women, while Gulijelm Radoja and Robert Ndrenika were awarded the Medallion for the components respectively for the interpretation of the role of Stefan Bardhi and “Kocke”


In our house

Screenplay: Kico Blushi. Direction: . Dhimiter Anagnosti. Operator : Lionel Konomim. Painter: Alush Shima. Music: Aleksander Peci.

Won the Special Prize at the X International Festival in Giffone, Salerno Italy 1980. The director was awarded the Medallion for the components. Tatiana Leska and Eptan Lohja were also honored with the Medallion, respectively, for the interpretation of the roles
of Ana and Mir.


The old cartridge

Screenplay: Neshat Tozaj. Operator: NikoTreni, Rudolf Radovani. Painter : Dhimiter Theodhori. Music: Aleksander Lalo.

Actresses Vangjush Furxhi Sotiraq Bratko and Viktor Zhusti were awarded the Medallion of the 4th Albanian Artistic Film Festival respectively for the roles of Thanas, Kujtim and Pandi.


Sounds of war

Screenplay : Vullnet Musaraj. Director : Niko Kanxheri. Operator : Stafan Gajo. Painter: Sabahudin Xhaferi. Music: Josif Minga.

Sulejman Pitarka was awarded the cup of the 4th Albanian Film festival, being named the best male actor in the role of Halit in this film and Zheleznov in the film Face to face.



Screenplay: Gjergj Zheji, Ismail Zhabjaku. Direction: . Ismail Zhabjaku. Operator : Petraq Lubonja. Painter: Shyqyri Sako. Music: Avni Mula

Mirush Kabashi was awarded the Medallion for the role of Nicholas at the 4th Albanian Film Festival.


In every season

Screenplay: Bashkim Hoxha, Viktor Gjika. Directed by: Viktor Gjika.
Operator : Pellumb Kallfa. Painter: Alush Shima. Music : Aleksander Peci.

Anisa Markarian and Arben Imami were respectively awarded the Cup for the role of Zane, and the Medallion for the role of Bardhyl at the 4th Albanian Artistic Film Festival.


A General is captured:

Screenplay: Skender Hasko, Nexhati Tafa. Directed by: Spartak Pecani.
Operator: Lionel Konomi. Painter : Sali Allmuca. Music: Aleksander Lalo.

The film was awarded a special prize at the XI International Film Festival in Giffone, Salerno, Italy, 1982.


Bullets to the emperor (TV)

Screenplay : Bashkim Hoxha. Operator: Paul Cooke. Painter: Fatbardh Marku.
Music : Limoz Dizdari.

Cameraman Pali Kuke and actors Kastriot Caushi and Vangjush Furxhi were awarded the Medal of the 4th Albanian Film Festival respectively for the roles of Vasil Laci and Xanini.


The dawn of the great season

Screenplay: Vath Koreshi. Directed by: Albert Minga. Operator: Bujar Kokonozi.
Painter : Rexhep Aliaj. Music: Limoz Dizdari.

The cinematographic version of the film was awarded the Diploma of the 5th Albanian Artistic Film Festival. Cameraman Bujar Kokonozi was declared the best cameraman of the Festival, while Vangjush Furxhi was awarded the Festival Cup for the role of Latif Bora, which was named as the best male role. Jani Riza, Albert Verria were also honored with the Medal of the Festival, respectively for the roles of Bunac Saliu and Soll Lili, while Gjergj Mele received a Diploma for the role of the secretary.


When a movie was being shot

Screenplay: Spresa Vreto. Director: Xhanfize Keko Operator : Petraq Lubonja.
Painter: Cleo Nini. Music: Aleksander Peci.

Won the third prize and the Silver Medal at the 5th Albanian Artistic Film Festival, April 1983. It was awarded the Silver Medal at the International Film Festival in Giffone, Salerno, Italy. 1983. The actor of the main role, Genti Basha, was awarded the Medallion of the 5th Albanian Film Festival.


Autumn`s reproaches (1981)

Screenplay: Peci Dado, Kristaq Dhamo Director: Kristaq Dhamo.
Operator : Bashkim Asllani. Painter: Cleo Nini. Music: Limoz Dizdari.

Won the second prize and the Mrdalion of the 5th Albanian Film Festival. Kastriot Caushi was awarded the Festival Cup for the interpretation of the role of Kujtim.


Our Friend Tili (1981)

Screenplay: Qazim Kashari, Halil Kamberi, Naum Bitri. Director: Fehmi Oshafi Cinematographer: Pellumb Kallfa Painter: Shyqyri Sako. Music: Tahsim Oshafi.

It was awarded with a Special Award at the International Festival of Salerno 1982. The performer of the main role Elida Janushi, the teacher Besa and Ndrek Shkjezi, the teacher of geography were awarded with the Medallion of the 5th Albanian Film Festival.


The Red Pledge (1982)

Scenario: Dhimiter Anagnosti, Vath Koreshi Operator : Aleksander Kasneci.
Painter: Sali Allmuca. Music : Zef Coba.

Screenwriters Dhimiter Anagnosti, Vath Koreshi were awarded the 5th Festival Cup for the best screenplay, while actresses Petrit Malaj and Bep Shiroka were awarded the Medallion for the roles of Petrit and the hero, respectively.


Second November (1982)

Screenplay: Dhimiter Shuteriqi, Kico Blushi Director: Viktor Gjika Cinematographer: Lonel Konomi Painter: Arben Basha Music: Kujtim Laro.

Sander Prosi was awarded the First Class Republic Award and the 5th Festival Medallion for the role of Ismail Qemali. Painter Arben Basha was awarded the component medal.


The good man

Screenplay: Nexhati Tafa. Director: Ibrahim Muca, Kristaq Mitro Operator : Saim Kokona Painter : Shyqyri Sako Music : Hajg Zaharian

Won the First Prize and the cup of the 5th Albanian Film Festival in 1983. Eva Alikaj received the Festival Cup for the best female role, while Bujar Asqeriu was awarded the Diploma for the role of Telos.


The warm hand

Screenplay: Neshat Tozaj Cinematographer: Bardhyl Martiniani
Painter : Sali Allmuca Music: Hajg Zaharian

He won the First Prize and the Cup of the VI Albanian Film Festival, October 1985. Sander Prosi was declared the best male actor and was awarded the Festival Cup.


Love your name

Screenplay: Nasi Lera Director: Ibrahim Mucaj, Kristaq Mitro
Operator : Bardhyl Martiniani Painter: Shyqyri Sako Music: Thoma Simaku

She won the third prize at the VI Albanian Film Festival, while Raimonda Bulku won and was announced as the best female actress for the role of Jones and was awarded the Festival Cup.


Who dies on foot

Screenplay: Naum Prifti, Vladimir Prifti Director: Vladimir Prifti
Cinematographer : Ilia Terpini Painter: Alush Shima Music: Aleksander Peci

Won the third prize at the 6th Albanian Film Festival. Actresses Gulielm Radoja and Reshat Arbana were awarded the Medallion respectively for the roles of Petro Nini Luarasi and Dajlan Beu.


Autumn rains

Screenplay: Nexhati Tafa Director : Spartak Pecani Cinematographer: Lionel Konomi Painter: Arben Basha Music: Sokol Shupo

Won the Second Prize at the 6th Slovenian Film Festival. Eva Alikaj and Kastriot Caushi were awarded the Medalion respectively for the roles of Linda and Ilir.


The decision

Screenplay: Spiro Dede, Neshat Tozaj Director: Kristaq Dhamo Operator: Pellumb Kallfa Painter: Namik Prizreni Music: Kujtim Laro.

Won the second prize at the 6th Albanian Film Festival. 1985


Shadows that remain behind

Screenplay : Diana Culi, Esat Musliu. Director: Esat Musliu Painter: Alush Shima
Music: Maksim Shehu

It was awarded the “Aleksander Moisiu” Award as the best film of 1985. It won the Third Prize at the 7th Albanian Film Festival in 1987. ___________________

Do not be silent

Screenplay: Nexhati Tafa Director: Spartak Pecani Cinematographer: Saim Kokona Painter : Arben Basha Music: Hajg Zaharian.

It was awarded the Third Prize at the 7th Albanian Film Festival. Matilda Makoci was awarded the Medallion for the role of Silvi.


The historian and the Chameleon

Screenplay: Qamil Buxheli Cinematographer : Gavrosh Haxhihyseni
Painter: Alush Shima Music: Aleksander Lalo

Ferdinand Radi was awarded the “First Prize” and the cup of the 9th Albanian Film Festival. _______________________

Return of the dead army

Screenplay: Dhimiter Anagnosti Director: Dhimiter Anagnosti Cinematographer : Bardhyl Martiniani Painter: Kleo Nini Music: Gjon Simoni

The script won the second prize in the National Literary-Artistic Competition. The film was awarded the First Prize for script and direction. The second prize for the work of the cameraman and the third prize for the figurative side, the painter Kleo Nini at the 9th festival of Albanian Film, November 17, 1991. Bujar Lako was awarded the Festival Cup as the best actor for the role of General


The living wall

Director: Muharrem Fejzo Cinematographer: Ilia Terpini Painter: Andon Basha
Music: Zef Coba

Composer Zef Coba was awarded the Second Prize and the operators the Third Prize at the IX Festival of 1991.


Ballad of Kurbin

Screenplay: Vath Koreshi Cinematographer: Spartak Papadhimitri, Leonard Qendro Painter : Namik Prizreni Music:. Fehim Ibrahimi

The film was awarded with an honorary diploma, Diploma d’honeur at the 4th International Historical Film Festival in Rui Malpensa Paris. 1990. The director and screenwriter was awarded the second prize, while the cameramen and the painter won the first prize at the 9th Albanian Film Festival and the actor Timo Flloko won the third prize. ____________________

The colors of age

Screenplay: Anisa Markarian Cinematographer: Pellumb Kallfa
Painter: Arben Basha Music : Kujtim Prodani

Composer Agim Prodani and actress Evis Nallbani were awarded the Third Prize, while Niko Kanxheri was awarded the Second Prize at the 9th Albanian Film Festival. ______________________


Screenplay: Neshat Tozaj Director : Spartak Pecani Cinematographer : Gavrosh Haxhihyseni Painter : Fisnik Pulaj Music : Hajg Zaharian.

The film was awarded the “Aleksander Moisiu” Award for 1990. _______________________

Years of waiting

Screenplay: Teodor Laco, Esat Musliu Director: Esat Musliu Cinematographer: Pellumb Kallfa Painter: Ilia Xhokaxhi Music : Limoz Dizdari

It won the Third Prize for direction and screenplay and the Second Prize for the figurative side, the painter at the IX Albanian Film Festival. Raimonda Bulku and Marieta Ljarja were respectively awarded the First and Third Prizes for the roles of Magda and Nerenxe.


Zana and Miri (1975)

Director and painter: Vlash Droboniku Operator : Tomi Vaso.

It was awarded the first prize at the first Albanian film festival. 1976. __________________________________

The Water Drop (1976)

Directed by : Bujar Kokonozi. Painter : Vlash Drobonik. Script : Naum Prifti.
Operator: Tomi Vaso.

Won first prize at the second Albanian film festival in 1977.


The doodles (1977)

Screenplay, direction, paintings: Bujar Kapexhiu. Operator : Tomi Vaso.

It was awarded with the 3rd Albanian film award. 1979 and with the first prize in the 3rd Balkan film festival that took place in Istanbul in 1979.


Luster, luster (1979)

Direction, paintings: Tonin Vuksani Screenplay : Muharrem Skenderi. Operator: Tomi Vaso.

Won the Special Prize in Ljubljana, Slovenia. 1980 for fresh and original training on the subject of war.


Scarecrow (1980)

Screenplay, direction and paintings : Bujar Kapexhiu. Operator: Diana Diamanti.

It was awarded the first prize at the 4th Albanian Film Festival. 1984. _______________________

Eddie and the Grade Four (1981)

Direction and pictures : Vlash Drobonik. Scenario: Nexati Tafa.
Operator: Diana Diamanti.

It was awarded the special prize at the Balkan film festival that took place in Athens, Greece.


Two feasts (1983)
Directed by: Gazmend Leka. Screenplay : Luan Rama. Operator: Faruk Basha.

Won the first prize at the fifth Albanian film festival in 1984 and the “Dea fortunata” prize at the international festival in Naples in 1984.


Bullet to Forehead (1985)

Direction and pictures: Gazmend Leka Screenplay: Bujar Kapexhiu Cinematographer: Beqir Vaqarri.

It was awarded with the second Prize of the VI festival.


Pipiruku waits for two friends: P: 1985, SR

Painter: B. Kapexhiu / Operator: Beqir Vaqarri.

Was awarded the second prize at the 6th Festival


White-fathered bird

Directed by: Vlash Drobonik. Painter: Gjin Bardhi / Gjin Varfi Screenplay: Bujar Kapexhiu. Operator : Jovan Kondakci. It was awarded the third prize at the VI Festival. ________________________________

That’s Right (1985)

Direction and paintings : Majlinda Agolli. Screenplay: Gaqo Bushaka. Operator : Tomi Vaso. He was awarded an encouraging prize for his first debut ________________________

Two Brothers and a Wolf (1987)

Direction and paintings : Boris Ikonomi. Screenplay: Vllasova Musta, based on a poem by Dritero Agolli. Operator : Tomi Vaso.

It was awarded the first prize and the cup of the 7th Albanian film festival. 1988. _____________________

Tortoise and Rabbit (1987)

Directed and painted by Artur Muharremi. Screenplay and editing: M. Cipi.
Operator: Jovan Kondakci.

It was awarded second prize at the VII festival.


Inspiration (1988)

Direction and paintings: Gezim Qendro. Screenplay : Bardhyl Fico. Operator: Jovan Kondakci, Vangjush Valla. It was awarded the third prize at the VII festival. ____________________

Dad’s Talent (1989)

Direction and paintings : Esperanca Konomi. Screenplay: Robert Qafzezi.
Operator: Jovan Kondakci, Leonard Dorri.

Won the first prize of the 8th Albanian film festival 1990.


Mind and mind (1989)

Direction and paintings : Boris Ikonomi. Screenplay: Stavri Pone, Boris Ikinomi. Operator: Tomi Vaso.

Honored with the second prize at the VIII festival.


The Lone Giant (1991)

Direction and paintings : Artur Dauti.

He was awarded the first prize and the cup of the X festival of the Albanian film, May 10 – 13, 1995.


The Living and the Dead (1991)

Direction and paintings: Albert Malltezi. Screenwriter Pertrit Ruka

Won the first prize of the X festival for components.


Siziphania: Srpik Stefan Taci.

It was announced as the best animated film and was awarded the cup of the 11th Albanian film festival that took place in Tirana from April 24 – 27, 2000.



Site administrators K.SH

March – June 2024 The tab was taken from the book: “Encyclopedia of Albanian Cinematography” / Authors and works (second edition) / A. T Hoxha / Tirana 2002


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