(Theater on the Radio) “Fisherman`s Family”!

Radio dramatization "Fisherman's Family" Drama written by Sulejman Pitarka (AP) Performed by the actors of the "People's Theater" Director:...

Diary of the Albanian Hamlet, Naim S. Frasheri (1923-1975) | Autobiography!

Diary kept by the actor Naim Frasheri: Tirana, on 19.1.1954 I started my...

Photo gallery of the theater "Who brought Doruntina | 36 years...

PREMIERES OF "TEATRI POPULLOR"! The dramatic play "Who brought Doruntinen" based on...

Behije Lëvonja-Çela (1925-1999) | Commemorative!

Behije Lëvonja-Çela (1925-1999) Among the actresses of the State Theater pioneer generation. Singer...

(VIDEO) The Movie “Black and White”!

_________________ The Movie "Black and White"! Director: Gjergj Xhuvani, Screenwriter: Gjergj Xhuvani, Producer: "Albafilm Studio", Music:...

Andon Qesari (1942 – 2021) | Commemorative!

Andon Qesari (1942 - 2021) Actor / Director / "Merited Artist". Born in...


(Theater on the Radio) “Fisherman`s Family”!

Radio dramatization "Fisherman's Family" Drama written by Sulejman Pitarka (AP) Performed by the actors of the "People's Theater" Director: Pjeter Gjoka (AP)   The exclusivity on this page is dated February...



(VIDEO) Musical Interval | Ema Ndoja & Frederik Ndoci – “Thank You”!

Ema Ndoja dhe Frederik Ndoci Nga spektakli "Ju pershendesim nga ekrani" - 1988 " />   Musical Interval The Golden Voices of Microphone! Ema Ndoja & Frederik Ndoci - "Thank...

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