Composer Shpëtim Kushta!


Shpë tim Kushta Composer, Merited Artist! He was born in Vlore on April 9, 1946. He completed his studies at the Higher Institute of Arts in Tirana, in the music department in 1969. Shpetim Kushta has a rich creativity in instrumental and vocal music. He has composed instrumental works, such as sonata, scherzo, trio, fantasia for cello, concert poem for violin, symphonic poem "Bloody Alarm", suite, rhapsody, overture, cantata, romance, etc. Shpetim Kushta is the author of many songs of light music such as "Mesnate", "Mbajme ne sy lirine", as well as songs for children. Participated for the first time in the 9th Song Festival in RTSH as a composer in 1970, even winning it with the well-known song "Midnight" sung by Vace Zela, (dubbed by L. Kondakci) with the text of Fatos Arab. Later, it reappeared at the 14th Festival of 1975 with the song "Kooperativiste e Kemishtaj" with lyrics by Isuf Nelaj and sung by the singers L. Kondakci and V. Zefi. It continues with the 16th Festival of 1977, with the song "Nena e jone", the text of Ruzhdi Qatipi, sung by Tonin Tershana and Gaqo Cako, with the 17th Festival (1978), with the song "Nenat tona lufetare" , the text of R. Catip sung by the singers A. Babaramo and L. Perbasha, etc. (see the list at the end). In addition to other musical activities, he has also composed the music for three feature films produced by Kinostudio "Shqiperia e Re" and Albanian television TVSH. "Grooves" (1973); "Fije qe priten" (1976) and the television "When the foundation was laid" (1978) 20 years of creativity and contribution to the Song Festivals in RTSH: (1970 – 1990) 1970 – Fest. 9th / "Midnight" (V. Zela & L. Kondakci) – Winner 1975 – Fest. 14th / "Cooperative. of Kemishtaj" (L. Kondakci&V. Zefi) 1977 – Fest. 16th / "Our Mother" (T. Tershana & G. Cako) 1978 – Fest. 17th / "Our warrior mothers" (A. Babaramo & L. Perbasha) 1981 – Fest. 20th / "Proletarian hearts" (duets K. Ago & S. Panariti and A. Rrapi & L. Sula 1988 – Fest. 27th / "Forever young on the pedestal" (Mimoza Nazarko) 1990 – Fest. 29- te / "Eshte nene, nena" (Justina Aliaj) etc. (C) Reserved material | The exclusivity on this page is dated April 8, 2021 ______ Albanian cinematography in activity since 2013 Reference: Encyclopedia of Albanian cinematography – Toena 2002 / A. Hoxha / p. 221. As well as personal notes from the Festivals on radio and television.

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