Italian Kinemaja | "Neorealism" & "Author's Cinema"!


50th Italian cinema! "Il neorealismo & Il Cinema d'Autore" After World War II (1945-1953), "Neorealism" was born, an artistic and cultural period which pertains to all forms of art, but which finds its results precisely in Cinema through films The most prominent directors in this period are the names that will make history not only in Italian cinema: Roberto Rossellini, Vittorio De Sica, Luchino Visconti, etc. Starting from the mid-50s , Italian cinema breaks free from purely existential themes, filmed with different styles and perspectives, often more meditative than descriptive. Thus we witness a new flowering of filmmakers who contribute in a fundamental way to the development of the seventh art great from Ferrara, Michelangelo Antonioni is the first to create himself, quickly becoming a reference author for all modern cinema. This is how we move to "Cinema d`autore" where after Antonioni we have other quite prominent directors in this time period: Federico Fellini is a central figure for the development of the seventh art, the author who more than anything else has summarized every aspect of the real and the surreal in a poetic dimension. Other great directors in this film genre include Alberto Lattuada, Luchino Visconti, Roberto Rossellini, Carlo Lizzani, Alessandro Blasetti, Mario Matoli, Pier Paulo Pasolini, Valerio Zurlini, Ermano Olmi and above all Vittorio De Sica who not only did he have the role of director but also acted as an actor in many films. Below is a photo album of the most beautiful Italian films through their covers, made during the 50s and 60s, the golden period of Italian Cinematography. Some of these films were also known by the Albanian audience in VATS during the 70s-80s! What are those films specifically? To jog your memory, let's "travel" together by reviewing their posters in this album that was released last June. 2016 on Facebook

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