(Role of life) | The role of the "eight" Xano in the children's cinema and "Ben walks by himself"!


(Role of Life) | The role of "eight" Xhanos in the cinema for children! She grew up with Albanian Cinema! Albanian cinematography grew more with him! The good, unforgettable Xhanfize Keko found herself at the right moment in the history of Albanian cinematography, not only on the day of the inauguration of the Kinostudio "Shqiperia e Re" but also as one of the brightest portraits that our cinematography can present among time! He was there at the start, to quickly turn into one of the most capable people behind the scenes, those whom the spectator does not recognize as a portrait, but they are people like her for whom art, there is so much need to move it forward with the work of theirs! Xhanfizo Keko taking a big weight on his shoulders and always daring to take the first step in some very important positions of a newly created cinematography! She graduated from the famous Russian school of film editing and directing, Lev Kuleshov. The school from which the great Russian director Sergei Eisenstein graduated! She was the one who first opened and directed the editing department and it was precisely there in that position that the establishment of the movie studio found her, while on July 10, 1952, she found a beautiful girl in a light blue dress in the yard of the movie studio and with a red pillow. between the hands in which were the shears that would cut the ribbon of the inauguration. Kinostudio "Alhqiperia e Re" entered the path of history to walk in a long journey together with Xhanfize Keko, who would often take him by the hand to lead him on a safe path of success! She was that charming girl who used to sell cinema tickets who, at a time when the concept of women still did not allow the word emancipation, would become, in addition to being the first director and the founder of the editing school, she would also become the first female director and feature film and above all, the first director and like no other successful in the genre of feature film for children! She was the creator of almost all children's films inspired by our very good writers of that time such as Bedri Dedja or Kico Blushi and that kind of cinema, it is a gigantic work which fully deserves to keep its name because with that endless work , she engraved her name in history forever in golden letters! Do you remember some children who rioted in the palace? Do you remember that spoiled little girl named Mimoza? A poor child during the war who loved the violin and was beaten because he dared to touch the violin of a rich child, remember? Did you know a little boy who wanted to leave his sheep and climb the mountain with the partisans? Benin, from a city called Korce, and managed to kill his fear and walk alone in life without the excessive caresses of his parents, don't we all know him? Vigilant children who followed some tracks? You know the poor children who grew up in a field by the river, whom the fascists took from them, and they had nothing else to do but gather around their leader, whose name was Tomka? Have you been moved by the prayers of little Taulanti who was looking for a sister?… All those little characters, figuratively speaking, were brought to life in the cinema and grew up in our eyes from the same mother! Xhanfize Keko! She is now high in the sky and her star shines in the same constellation of stars of Albanian art! For us, as an excellent finale of her work in Feminine Cinema, as it is called, she left a portrait that is as unforgettable as it is to remain forever against the oblivion of time. Ben! "Beni walks alone" In the Albanian cities, at the end of the 60's and the beginning of the 70's, the young intellectual families had that clear physiognomy of theirs. Being employed more than as a working class, in a position in which they had a relatively not bad income according to the conditions of the time, such young families had several points in common which were slowly being transformed into a model of the society (as far as it could be called advanced) of the Albanian city. They lived in buildings with a sufficient square in front, they had a radio, a small library, often a refrigerator, they did not lack food and clothing, they could easily raise a child who did not lack education, health and books at home! A kind of small aristocracy well hidden deep within the Albanian socialist reality. In the vast majority of cases, they were people who came from the village and studied at school in the city, in which they later built their civic life and thus, both because of work obligations but also because of bad memories of a reality where a lot of mud, sickle, bucket and black bread or corn bread at that time, they didn't have frequent contact with their village, their origin and they did everything possible for their children to grow up with maximum care until spoiled, having not even one thing in common with the feminine of their parents… Just as my parents claimed the same thing for me, just as your parents claimed the same thing for you too… Somehow this is how it begins place in the fantasy of Kico Blushi, the portrait of such a child, in such social conditions and the ever-increasing problem of what to do with these intellectual children, as they kept coming and increasing! Whatever was done with these children, who, under excessive parental care, without realizing it, were being denied the company of other children on the street, were being denied the meadow, the river, the trees, the mountain, contact with other children and more. education to try in life, to fight yourself! It is the moment that Albanian art owes a lot, forever to Xhanfize Keko! She found in the portrait of Herion Mustafarai, Ben, our beloved Ben! The wonderful man and actor Pandi Raidhi will represent the strong man that Ben needed and precisely, his uncle who will make the "course" of his life during a period of unforgettable vacations in the village, which will change Ben's life and , the Albanian intellectual society, the mentality for raising children! In the portrait of Zhani Zicishti, the young, intellectual family member was found, and also, in the sympathetic and mother Yllka Mujo, the young mother was found, also representative of such a family. It was a couple more than "struck" Dhorke Orgocka, one of the biggest figures of the theater troupe in Korce, was the right man for the role of Teto. Of course, Herion remained in history in the role of Ben, but suddenly she became just as famous, although with less participation in the film, even "Tullumbacja" – Selma Sotirllari! Those children, they would not be able to forgive us what they are forgiving us, if "Aunt" Xhanfize was not standing next to them! As for the complementary parts of this film, a special station in our memory… really, who thought of paying a compliment to Limos Dizdar for that musical column during the journey from the city (Korca) to the water source near the village (Vithkuq) ? Who has complimented the cameraman Saimir Kokona for the film footage, which without realizing it leads to the same nature from Tirana to Korce? Or from the courtyard and square in front of a palace straight to Vithkuq in Korce? Let's not forget! This film, so fresh and current for everyone, belongs to the year 1975! The merits and values of the film! "Beni ecen vete" came after three children's films by Xhanfize Keko, which were welcomed by the audience and most importantly, by the children who fill the cinemas! We are talking about "Uprising in the Palace", "The Youngest City in the World" and "Mimosa Garter Belt". "Beni ecen vete", gave Xhanfize Keko the well-deserved name in history, but also another pearl of many Albanian cinemas. The path to reach "Following the Tracks", "Little Velo Guerrilla", "Sounds of War", "Taulanti is looking for a sister", "A little delay", "Tomka and his friends", etc., was already open! In the future, two of her films would win important awards in Italy at an international film festival with a jury of more than 1,000 children! Feminine cinematography, which gave good signs with "Debate" in 1961, had just secured its future! A masterpiece like "Poppies on the Wall" would not be far away! Other female characters like Miri in "Our house" and Tili "Our friend Tili" would come later! After the extraordinary success of the film, which followed the great success of the novel of the same name by Kico Blushi, a new wind of change began to be felt in parent-child relationships in Albanian intellectual families. Parents began to send their children to the village for vacations more often and longer. Pioneer camps began to grow and grow. Children's day camps also started to fill up. Organized extracurricular activities such as forest excursions, botanical circles or mountaineering for children, began to increase their activity. Finally, look at more children who bathed in rivers and streams, but who also climbed trees more often!! Many children started pouring towards the women's cinema. Towards the theater or stage in the organized circles of the Palace of Pioneers too! From Coli (Shpetim Zani) and Adushi (Ilir Celia) we found ourselves in a group of genuine child actresses such as Herion Mustafaraj, Enea Zhegu, Selma Sotirllari, Genc Mosho, Darli Cepele, Dritan Kaba and other children who successfully performed in theater such as "Lenin and the children". So, it is clearly understood how much the feature film for children "Beni ecen vete" influenced our cinemas and life in the Albanian reality. How much the wonderful man Xhanfize Keko forgave the Albanian cinema himself! Thank you "aunt" Xhano! © Reserved material | For "Albanian cinematography" by Arian Muraj / Original first publication date: May 18, 2013. Original text link: https://m.facebook.com/nt/screen/?params=%7B%22note_id% 22%3A336529224309897%7D&path=%2Fnotes%2Fnote%2F&_rdr __________________ Albanian cinematography since 2013

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