ALBANIAN FILM "A LONG YEAR" from Albanian Cinema on Vimeo . The film "A long year" produced in 1987. Director: Esat Ibro, Screenplay: Natasha Lako, Producer: Albania e re, Music: Gjon Simoni. The content of the film Donika Sara is the director of an important company. Suddenly her husband has an accident. Now she must choose between her social life and her duty as a wife. INTERPRETING Hajrie Rondo, Vladimir Muzha, Ilia Shyti, Fatos Sela, Vasjan Lami, Tatjana Leska, Dhorkë Orgocka, Einar Nelku, Mina Koxhaku, Melpomeni Çobani, Pranvera Lumani, Shpresa Bërdöluma, Xelal Hoxha, Marika Kallamata, Astrit Hasani, Arqile Lici, Fatmir Kaplan

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