There was once an Army`s “Estrada” (1962-1992) | 30-year history from an undeniable past!


The Army “Estrada”! 
A little history from the past!
(1962 – 1992)

Professional variety theater institution.
It is an undeniable 30-year history, even though this Institution ceased to exist and was erased, or at least they tried to erase it from memory, in 1992, despite the contribution of this body from which great names of Albanian artists, actresses, singers emerged….

Yes! It was a time when small Albania produced artists in the true sense of the word, although some came from the amateur movement, but they had talent and were dedicated …..

Today nothing is said about the “Army`s Estrada”, even though there is much talk and fuss about reviewing our history……
What connection does the history of Albania have with that of art or the Army`s Estrada?
We will get there too if the esteemed reader has the patience and kindness to read this article to the end!

So much noise, uproar, hatred, and division from political developments! 

Nothing for the art!!!
Even for the rulers of this neo-Ottoman system, which serves us as a Western democracy, it is better to censor history and art before the `90s because the ideology “did harm the younger generation”…..
As funny as it is tragic!

Meanwhile, drugs, prostitution, trafficking, murders within a family like in the times of Adam with Cain and Abel, the pulpits of old dead shadows, the fruitless political debates of shameless journalists, shows like “Big Brother”, “Perputhen” etc. on “TV Kallkan” or “Top Kapia Channel”, the lies and deceptions of a prime minister “artist” distinguished in wool spinning, in handicrafts, working with wood, straw and plasticine, brought us the development and education of today’s generation, which in fact, according to recent statistics, 90% of them cannot read or write…

What about art history? Shouldn’t we review, rehabilitate, and shed some light on the institutions of art and culture that once flourished in their diversity? Why not continue the tradition of a culture that represents the history of our people and country? Why do we wander and try to forcefully introduce into the genes of Albanians something that is not ours and does not represent our lives, the reality of who we Albanians truly are?

Well, such creations not only do not condemn the communist system, they do not reflect the suffering and hardships of the politically persecuted, on the contrary, they seem to mock them and have the diabolical intention of denigrating Albania and Albanians, of denying everything that came before!

Should the past be censored to move towards the future? An intellectual class and a developed people would think and reason completely differently, anyway…..

Army`s Estrada
Let’s return to the memory of an institution that is part of history with its 30 years of activity and contribution to Albanian art and culture. It was erected on January 16, 1962, near the Central House of the Army.
Its beginnings can be found in the many shows that were organized in partisan units, where the humorous literary materials of different kinds, imitations, pantomimes, satirical poems, together with partisan songs formed the type of variety.

After the liberation of the country, many amateur theater groups were established in the large military units. From the most talented elements that were selected from these groups, the professional troupe of the “Army Estrada” was created. Among its founding actors were: Vangjel Heba*, Lutfi Hoxha*, Paulin Preka*, Esat Oktrova*, Tonin Kançi, Myftar Armiri, etc.

The first meeting also marked its promotional premiere. Other premieres, which had well-deserved success for the time, were: “Qente le te lehin, karvani shkon perpara”, “Doomsday does not happen for ten minutes”, “Protocol number 5” etc.

In the 1960s and 1970s, a different dynamic was observed in the way the performances were conceived, especially the enrichment with new artistic forms and tools, although sometimes harsh themes and well-known political clichés were interspersed.

These were noticed at the premieres: “Our word and song”, “Gas and counter-gas”, “Adjust your step, friend”!, “With the step of our friends”, “Look at yourself in the mirror”, “Fire with hail”! etc.
In 1965, Armys Estrada expanded the orchestral line-up with talented instrumentalists. In 1968, at the national meeting of professional Estradas artists, it won the Third Prize, while the orchestra was awarded the Gold Medal. During the 1970s and 1980s, the following performances, which brought innovation to this troupe, were evaluated: “Eye on the target”, “One day in the ward”, “Good friends, “Keep our smiles”, “Operate”; also the comedies “Komediani ne mal”, “Karriera e zotit Maksut”, based on the novel with the same title by Qamil Buxheli.

Directors of the troupe have been: Thanas Gjoka, Alqi Boshnjaku, Roland Roshi. Conductors of the orchestra: Rudolf Çamuku, Selim lshmaku and Alfred Kaçinari.
“Estrada e Ushtarit” (Army`s Estrada) has had well-known artists, such as singer Vaçe Zela, Bashkim Alibali, Tonin Tershana, actors: Koço Devole*, Roland Trebicka, Zef Deda, Sejfulla Myftari, Mehdi Malkaj. Vilson Gjonçai etc.

After 1992, Estrada e Ushtari ceased to exist. Not infrequently there have been renovations or departures for political reasons in her troupe, as was likely in 1977, when some talented artists were expelled.

Throughout the 30 years of its activity, the “Army`s Estrada” has served as a beautiful chance for the entertainment of the mass of soldiers in the military departments, everywhere it held numerous tours, as well as for the public.

The exclusivity on this page is dated: January 31, 2022 (C) Reserved material

Albanian cinematography in activity since 2013
Reference: Information from “History of Albanian theater 2 (maket) / School Book Publishing House, Tirana, was used 1985, p. 202

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