Photo gallery of the actress Drita Nikolla |”Meteors” of the Stage!


Drita Nikolla
Actress of the Theater “Aleksander Moisiu”, Durres!
“Meteor of the stage” aims to bring out from the “dust” of oblivion some of our actresses who, regardless of their acting skills, have had a short career just like the lighting and path of a meteor. !
This category also includes the actress Drita Nikolla who was not lucky enough to play in many Albanian films. Undoubtedly, even though in a few roles of interpretation, they have left a mark in the memory of Arte lovers. Such is the actress Drita Nikolla, actress of the “Aleksander Moisiu” Theater of this city with long traditions in performing arts.

She was born in Durres on December 30, 1949. Nikolla has played several roles in the “Aleksandër Moisiu” theater, but very few in the movies.

 Photo gallery from the "Ylli pa emer" theater in the role of Mona:

Remembered for a central role in the film “Come / Eja”, that of the mother, alongside the “Merited Artist” of the well-known Guljelm Radoja.

Shpresa (D. Nikolla) sees among the interns her daughter, Vojsana, born from a failed love who grew up in the orphanage. She tells her husband about it, who is aware of the matter. Shpresa wants to help Vjosana, who does not fully understand her interest, until the moment she identifies herself as her mother.

 Photo gallery of the actress in the movie "Eja"

Published for the first time on Facebook in June 2016

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