Nazif Tale (1938-2010), variety actor with the profession of geologist.


Nazif Tale
Actor of Estrada`s Theater, Korce and Albanian Cinematography.

Tale was born in Pilur in Devolli on January 2, 1938. Finished high school as a geological technician. As soon as he started working, he started to become active with the amateur movement of variety shows. At the time when he was a soldier, Tale was also active with the soldier’s show. The occasion brought that the director Piro Mani was also in a variety show competition, even in the role of the chairman of the jury. It will be the great director Pirro Mani himself who will determine his artistic future.

The director Mani himself insisted on bringing it to the stage. In 1963-1964, Nazif Tale became part of the professional theater of Korça.

From the time he entered the stage and until the day he retired, he remained an inimitable actor. Dozens of his roles are remembered, and as such we can mention his performance in “Festa e brigades”, the one-act comedy “Opingat e xha Sheros”, “Njeriu pa koke” and dozens of others.


He performed with the big names of the Korca stage such as: Niko Qirici, Spanja Pipa, Spiro Karanxha, Aleko Prodani, Marko Bitraku, Lindita Theodhori, Fatbaradha Hoxha, etc. The roles that the actor played remain unforgettable, because in his soul he had a healthy mood.


Precisely at this time, Nazif Tale caught the eye of film studio directors who were looking for him to act in feature films. This is how he interprets in several films such as: 1972 – Stars of the long nights / 1975 – Alleys that seeks sun / 1976 – Coping / 1979 – With the step of friends (TV) / 1990 – The death of a Man.

Jokes told by him in the film “Stars of the long nights” has remained indelible in the memory. Nazif Tale became a master in grotesque roles, which made him famous not only in the city of Korça, but throughout the country. The director, Dhimitër Orgocka will appreciate the twin actor in humor with Aleko Prodani and as a creator who gave the stage and the screen many roles that will remain in the memory of art lovers.

Nazif Tale passed away on December 14, 2010!

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